*Due to our shop closing, this course and its content will be available until May 1, 2021.
Is the heavy weight and stress of the work that you're doing overshadowing what you love about your job? Are you feeling like you could use a little more joy in your life right about now?
I answered a definitive yes to both of those questions and I knew I had to make a change. That's when I came up with the idea to be a joy detective. I wanted to feel happier. I decided, "if it's to be, it's up to me." I made the shift and I began to look for and create more joy. I realized that if I want to experience more joy at work or in any situation, I've got to make it my mission to find it!
This course will teach you how to find more joy in your current situation so that you can be happier too!

During this empowering, self-paced e-course, you will:
define what brings you joy because the best way to find more happiness in life is to be really clear about what makes you happy!
hone your emotional intelligence by learning ways to recognize when joy and other emotions are present.
learn strategies for turning towards joy when you feel frustrated.
have an opportunity to complete 20 missions designed to inspire joy through creativity, exploration, and play!
The more you focus on joy, the more joy you will experience in your life! You don’t always have control over outside circumstances, but you do have control over your perspective and what you choose to cultivate in your life. If you want to start feeling more joy, join me on this mission to find it!
The Details:
- online, self-paced e-course available immediately
- 8 inspiring lessons (video, audio, related pdfs)
- 20 joy-full missions that will encourage you to actively pursue joy every day
- "Find Joy" digital download wallpaper for your phone
*Due to our shop closing, this course and its content will be available until May 1, 2021.